Sunday, February 3, 2008

Tips howto keep your body healthy and slim..

Workaholics sometimes are correlated with obesity. That's because they need more energy and they tend to eat junk food or snacks. So if you like to work at off office hours but still want to keep your body in good shape, you can follow this tips below :
  • Eat dinner regularly - Dinner should be eat before 19.00 pm because after 19.00 pm, our body metabolism is decreasing. So if you're too busy to go out for dinner, then always prepare healthy food in your desk. Or maybe it's easier to get office boys to buy it for you, if you're afraid your food will spoil ;).
  • Consume only healthy snacks - Heatlhy snacks means snacks having a lot of fibre. So in this case, they are variety of fruits! Forget about sweet white chocolate or potato chips, etc.
  • Eat only decent and supportive digestion food - Food for dinner must contain a lot of carbohydrate and fibre. Avoid spicy food and don't eat too much for dinner ;). Between 22.00 pm until 06.00 am, consume only warm milk or fruits...
  • Don't hesitate to drink - If you're work much, don't forget to drink much too. Because dehydration can cause body be fatigue easily. But don't drink much caffeine such as coffee or coke...
  • Exercising a little bit - Always remember to workout a little everyday. You can do it every 15 minutes after wake up in the morning for example.
  • Have a proper rest - Sleep is important to preserve energy for another hectic day. Just make sure that you don't have insomnia because of work activities.

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